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Smartling Integration


Localize your email content with our new Smartling integration. Automate your translation process by submitting email templates from Accelerator directly to Smartling, and then import the localized content from Smartling once it's translated. Furthermore, Accelerator handles linking the recipient's locale to the localized content, ensuring the recipient always receives the content in their preferred language. 

The Smartling integration is available in Accelerator version 24.4.1 or higher.

Table of Contents

Connect to Smartling Project

Submit Smartling Job

Import Translated Content

Preview and Test

Connect to Smartling Project

To connect to your Smartling project in Accelerator: 

  1. Navigate to Admin > System configuration.
  2. Select Vendor API from the menu.
  3. In the Smartling Integration section, enter your Smartling project credentials:
    • User Identifier
    • User Secret
    • Project ID
  4. Click Test Connection.

A successful connection shows the Smartling project's Name, Target languages, and Source language.


Submit Smartling Job

Smartling translates content from the source language into target languages via Jobs. For more information about Smartling's translation concepts and workflows, see the Smartling Core Concepts article.

If you're using our drag-and-drop editor to build your email content, create and upload translation content directly to a Smartling Job from within the template:

  1. Add your email content, text email (optional), subject line, and pre-header (optional) to your email template. 
  2. To enable the Smartling translation button, save your content.
  3. To send your content to Smarting for translation, click Translate.
  4. Enter the job details:
    • Job name
    • Job description
    • Job due date
    • Target languages
  5. Click Submit.


All translation jobs created through Accelerator enter the Awaiting Authorization status and require you to manually authorize them in Smartling. 

Import Translated Content

Once you've submitted the template for translation, use the translations toolbar to get job status updates and published files from Smartling:

  1. Click the Refresh icon. Doing so:
    • Updates the job status
    • Updates the translation status of each language
    • Downloads any published translations
  2. Select the specific language tab to view downloaded content.
  3. To save any downloaded translations, click Save.

Accelerator automatically downloads all fully translated language files and makes the translated content available for viewing and editing, even if the job is still Processing. Languages that are still Awaiting Authorization or Processing are not available for viewing. 


The translated content from Smartling is available to view upon download, but you must Save the content in the template prior to leaving the page.

Preview and Test 

The template's Preview and Test feature provides additional controls for testing Smartling translated content. 

Locale Override

Select a language from the Locale Override list to override recipient's locale and preview the template in another language. Only languages submitted with the Smartling job are available for selection.


Send test emails in all languages

You might want to send a test email in every one of the template's languages, even if your sample audience does not contain a recipient with each unique locale. 

To send a test email in each of the translated languages, in the Send a test section:

  1. Select the All languages tab
  2. Select either:
    • Send this sample recipient - All Locales 
    • Send all sample recipients - All Locales
  3. Click Send


Test emails sent with All Locales include the Locale ID in the subject line. For example: "[PROOF - it_IT]"
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