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Accelerator 24.3.1 Release Notes

Initiatives Released

Leverage Data Variable List for Blueprint Targeting

Use Case

Data Variables are a powerful feature in Accelerator that allow the Campaign Admin to modify the audience query from the campaign settings - without ever having to touch the query. These variables can already be used in Blueprint target nodes, but we want to expand the usability of this feature to allow the Data Admin to give the Campaign Admin setting up the Blueprint even more control. This feature will allow Fixed List data variables to be used as a dropdown in Blueprint target nodes, so that you can select from a list of values in the segment rules.

This feature will allow the Data Admin to put guardrails around what the Campaign Admin can or cannot select for targeting, while simultaneously making the targeting experience easier on the Campaign Admin because they don’t need to know the values in their data, since it is provided in a dropdown. In addition to this, users will now be able to map data variables to a column in the data setup of a Blueprint, thus forcing a column to use this feature.


  • Add Data Variables to column mapping on Blueprints
  • Allow users to select Fixed List data variables from a drop down on Blueprint target nodes


Add Data Variables to Blueprint Column Mapping

Users can map fixed list data variables to string-type columns on the Data Settings tab in Blueprints.


Select Values from Fixed List Data Variable in Blueprint Targeting

Users can select the values of mapped data variables from a drop down in their target nodes on Blueprints. The selected value will be locked in and cannot be changed on the campaign settings. Users can select the option “Set at Campaign” if they want the traditional use of a data variable that can be changed at the campaign level.


The State data variable was mapped to the state column, so that data variable is automatically selected when targeting on state. This forces the person setting up the Blueprint to use only the values available in the State data variable.


The dropdown contains all the values in the list for that data variable, as well as an option to set the value at the campaign level.

Template and Transactional Campaign Folder View Conversion

Use Case

Templates and Transactional campaigns now have the new folder view design introduced earlier this year. This update contains multiple quality of life improvements with easier navigation from the original folder views. Users can now create folders & sub folders, as well as see overview information in the right hand side for the selected folder or asset. Assets can now be drag and dropped to sort as needed. Folder location columns have also been added to all campaign list pages to surface the folder path of any campaign that is within a folder.


  • Convert existing folder views to match new folder design
  • Allow users to see the folder path for campaigns within a folder from the list page


Convert last remaining legacy folder views


Add location column to existing campaign list views


This new location column is available on Marketing, Experiment, Transactional, and External campaign list pages

General Changes

  • Resolved an issue where some users would still see the Delete option on list pages when they could not delete assets
  • Resolved an issue where some users would still see the Archive option on list pages when they could not archive assets
  • Added "is true", "is false", or "is null" as operator options in Blueprint targeting nodes when using boolean values
  • Added automation to trim any erroneous whitespace in the URL Append field for marketing campaigns
  • Added the ability to set a default Audience Recording for Experiment campaign types
    • Note: Default Audience Recordings for Marketing and External campaigns will not change upon upgrade.  This change introduces a new option for Experiment campaigns, which will not be auto assigned at the time of upgrade.
  • Resolved an issue where SMS preview was not displaying character count in the preview display
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