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Accelerator 24.1.1 Release Notes

Initiatives Released

Swrve Push Integration

Use Case

Our first fully functional push integration with Swrve has arrived, making it easier than ever to create dynamic and personalized mobile messaging via push. Marketers now have access to a user-friendly toolset that stays up-to-date with the latest mobile marketing capabilities. This new push content experience allows fast and easy personalization, along with a robust set of testing tools, giving users the confidence they need to ensure their campaigns are successful. Additionally, power users can leverage a suite of advanced options to create content to their unique needs, all within Accelerator.


  • Enable marketers to utilize a Swrve push app to send push messages entirely through Accelerator, streamlining audience creation, content development, and delivery execution.

  • Dramatically enhance the personalization experience when creating push content.

  • Update the phone preview component for all push content screens.

  • Provide control over the target platforms and delivery reach of push notifications within marketing campaigns.


Templates now support push app selection

Accelerator templates now allow crafting push content for both legacy vendors (Airship and Pinpoint), and the new Swrve apps associated via Cloud Admin to that Accelerator instance. This ensures that regardless of the vendor being used, the template serves as the primary tool for crafting push content. While a default can be set to auto-fill the push app upon template creation, users can manually change this on each template for flexibility in creating content for testing or development apps. For current users of Airship or Pinpoint, no changes or app selection will be necessary when updating to version 24.1.1, as this field can remain empty to continue leveraging Accelerator for legacy push vendors without interruption.


Push app selection is now an option for every template


Push app selection is now an option for every template

All new edit push content screen

For templates building push content for a supported Swrve app, Accelerator now features a brand new edit screen. This screen contains a streamlined content building experience with a new suite of options, a brand new preview component, and an entirely new personalization experience. Media used can now be viewed in real-time on the phone preview, and additional platform options have been added to customize messaging for iOS, Android, Amazon, or Huawei.


New edit push content screen

All new personalization experience

Adding personalization with live data is now easier than ever. Leveraging our new personalization menu, you can select the exact field you’re looking to reference, choose sentence casing, and set a fallback value without needing to write any FreeMarker. Personalization now appears as an easy-to-see chip within the content form, which can be re-selected if any changes are needed.


Select the lightning bolt icon to insert personalization


Personalization is now easy to see or edit from the content forms

Configure target push platforms and device reach

Accelerator marketing campaigns support additional configuration for push delivery. When users select a template with a native push app and choose a channel that includes push, new options will appear, providing more granularity over the delivery of push notifications.


To ensure users can save a complete marketing campaign, a new validation checks the push app in the template matches the push app in the selected audience.


Push notifications through transactional campaigns

To simplify the user experience for transactional campaigns where the user includes the push channel, the target platforms and device reach are preset. The user will create a transactional campaign as they do today, however new parameters are on display to communicate the delivery settings.


Push notification reporting

The initial reporting for campaigns and jobs where push is a channel remains unchanged. The push metrics are completely integrated into the existing push and cross-channel reports.

General Changes


  • Resolved an issue where multivariate job launch validation remainder files were not being cleaned up automatically as expected.
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