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Data Input Schemas

Each of our models require different data inputs to train the models and score the target populations. The following tables outline the events we use to gather that data.

Conversion Events - Schema

MG Field Name Type Description
RecipientId VARCHAR Unique customer identifier.
ConvTimeStamp NUMBER UNIX timestamp in seconds of when transaction event occurred.
ConvDiscountCode VARCHAR Discount code, if anything, used on purchase.
ConvSpend FLOAT Total amount of spend in a transaction.
ConvProducts VARCHAR Comma-separated array of each product purchased in a specific transaction.

Email Events - Schema

MG Field Name Type Description
RecipientId VARCHAR Unique customer identifier.
EmailTimeStamp NUMBER UNIX timestamp in seconds of when email was sent.
EmailCampaign VARCHAR Name of the campaign (preferably ID) associated with the email.
EmailClick NUMBER UNIX timestamp in seconds of when email was clicked.
EmailOptOut NUMBER UNIX timestamp in seconds of when unsub occured.
EmailOpen NUMBER UNIX timestamp in seconds of when email was opened.

Web / Other Engagement - Schema

MG Field Name Type Description
RecipientId VARCHAR Unique customer identifier.
WebTimeStamp NUMBER UNIX timestamp in seconds of when interaction occurred.
WebType VARCHAR Type of interaction (for example, page view, add to cart).
WebUTMCamp VARCHAR UTM campaign parameter associated with event.
WebUTMMedium VARCHAR UTM medium parameter associated with event.
WebUTMSource VARCHAR UTM source parameter associated with event.


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