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SMTP Relay

The SMTP Relay allows you to send email through MessageGears as if it were a standard SMTP server. You can send email to our SMTP service directly from your application, or you can configure your local SMTP server to deliver email through our service. This option allows easy integration with our service while still providing all of the bounce, spam complaint, and open tracking features provided by our Web Services APIs.

Configure your SMTP server or Email Client with the following:

Service Address:
Ports: 25 or 2525 (Plain and TLS)
SSL Port: 4525
SMTP User ID: your MessageGears Account ID
SMTP Password: your MessageGears API Key
All accounts must supply a user id and password in order to access the SMTP service. If multiple recipients are specified in the "TO" address, each recipient will receive a separate message.
Currently, the MessageGears SMTP Relay does not support Attachments, or CC and BCC addresses. Please use the Web Services APIs to send attachments.
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