The Thumbnail API is used to generate a jpg image representation of HTML or Text content. The image is hosted by MessageGears and can be reference at<account id>/<image id>.jpg. The Image URL is also returned in the response from a successful API call.
Deprecated Versions
Required Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Action | Thumbnail |
AccountId | The MessageGears account id to which this item belongs. |
ApiKey | A secret key only known by you. Keep this key confidential. |
Content | The HTML or text content to be rendered as an image |
ImageId | The base name of the image file to be created. It will be appended with the ".jpg" extension automatically. |
ImageSize | The size of the image to be created. Value values are: MICRO, SMALL, SMEDIUM, MEDIUM, LARGE, and GRANDE. The sizes of the images are 64 x 48, 80 x 60, 220 x 165, 232 x 174, 400 x 300, and 800 x 600 respectively. |
Programming Examples
&Content=<html>Hello, World!</html>
Java SDK
package com.messagegears.examples;
import com.messagegears.sdk.MessageGearsClient;
import com.messagegears.sdk.MessageGearsProperties;
import com.messagegears.sdk.model.ThumbnailSize;
import com.messagegears.sdk.model.request.ThumbnailRequest;
import com.messagegears.sdk.output.ScreenWriter;
import com.messagegears.sdk.v3_1.ThumbnailResponse;
public class Thumbnail {
public static final String MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "place your email address here";
public static final String MY_MESSAGEGEARS_ACCOUNT_ID = "place your MessageGears account id here";
public static final String MY_MESSAGEGEARS_API_KEY = "place your MessageGears api key here";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Update the properties object containing the necessary properties
MessageGearsProperties properties = new MessageGearsProperties();
// Update the main client object
MessageGearsClient client = new MessageGearsClient(properties);
// Update a bulk campaign request
ThumbnailRequest request = new ThumbnailRequest();
// Set the content for the thumbnail
request.setContent("<html>Hello, World!</html>");
// Set the image file name (prefix)
// Set the thumbnail image size
// Execute the request
ThumbnailResponse response = client.thumbnail(request);
// Print the result (success or failure)
using System;
using MessageGears;
using MessageGears.Model;
using MessageGears.Model.Generated;
namespace MessageGears.Sample
public class ThumbnailSample
// Replace this value with your email address
public const String MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "place your email address here";
public const String MY_MESSAGEGEARS_ACCOUNT_ID = "place your MessageGears account id here";
public const String MY_MESSAGEGEARS_API_KEY = "place your MessageGears api key here";
public static void Main ()
// Create the properties object containing the necessary properties
MessageGearsProperties props = new MessageGearsProperties();
props.MyMessageGearsAccountId = MY_MESSAGEGEARS_ACCOUNT_ID;
props.MyMessageGearsApiKey = MY_MESSAGEGEARS_API_KEY;
// Create the main client object
MessageGearsClient client = new MessageGearsClient(props);
// Create a request
ThumbnailRequest request = new ThumbnailRequest();
// Set the thumbnail image content
request.Content = "<html>Hello, World!</html>";
// Set the image file name prefix
request.ImageId = "12345";
// Set the image size
request.ThumbnailSize = ThumbnailSize.MEDIUM;
// Execute the request
ThumbnailResponse response = client.Thumbnail(request);
// Print the result (success or failure)
Console.WriteLine("Image URL: " + response.imageUrl);
Sample Thumbnail Images
Content = "<html>Hello, World!</html>"
MICRO (64 x 48)
SMALL (80 x 60)
SMEDIUM (220 x 165)
MEDIUM (232 x 174)
LARGE (400 x 300)
GRANDE (800 x 600)
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