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Adding and Managing Sending Profiles

Sending Profiles allow you to set consistent, reusable Header Field parameters which can be used in multiple templates and campaigns. There are a number of Header Fields specific to message delivery. Sending Profiles allow you to define sets of the following values needed to send from Accelerator:

  • From Name
  • From Address
  • Reply-To (Address)
Subject lines cannot be defined within Sending Profiles.


You can personalize each of the previously listed fields.

Example: You could add each recipients's email address to the Subject Line as follows

User ${Recipient.EmailAddress} was updated!

For the email address, the Subject line displays as:

User was updated!

More about Message Header Fields

The From Name and From Address fields map to a single From line in the actual message header. However, on the design side, these components are isolated for convenience because From Address is required and From Name is optional.

Example: A From Name of John Doe and From Address of results in the following From header field message display:

John Doe

Reply-To indicates the address that should be used for response messages and maps to the Reply-To message header line.

Adding a Sending Profile

Enter the new Sending Profile Name and From Address.

Select the appropriate Account from the drop-down list. (This account will be the only one able to use this particular Sending Profile for templates and campaigns.)

Optional: Enter Description, From Name, and Reply-To details

Click Save

All of the field entries above, including the Account, can be edited by opening the Sending Profile, then going to Actions > Edit.
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