This guide provides you with a basic walkthrough for setting up a Redshift Native Connection to access your data warehouse. Whether or not you're using Redshift's standard encryption, the instructions are the same; the connection will handle the decryption of the local data.
- To start, in the navigation pane, select Admin > Database connections.
- Next, you need to either select an existing Database Connection from the list or create a new one by clicking the Create Connection button from the top-right side of the screen.
- After this, you are presented with a New Database Connection form with multiple required fields. For the purposes of this walkthrough, select Redshift (Native) first from the Database Type dropdown.
Once you've done this, you're presented with an updated version of the New Connection form as shown below: - From here, you will need to set up the following items:
- Name
- Host Name
- Port
- User ID
- Password
- Cloud File Storage
- IAM Role
- Default Catalog
Database Connection Definitions
- Name: The name you want to give your new connection
- Database Type: Database Types include: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift (Native), SQL Server, Vertica, Teradata, Salesforce.com, Snowflake, Snowflake (Native), Hadoop (via Hive Driver), Hadoop (via Impala Driver), Google BigQuery, Google BigQuery (Native), and DynamoDB.
- Host Name: The connection number that your data will be pulled from.
- Port: The Port number this Database will connect to
- User Name: Your username
- Password: The password for this connection
- Cloud File Storage:
- IAM Role (Full ARN):
- Default Catalog: This should correspond to the database name
- Purposes: The tags for the uses of this connection. These include tags Audience, Supplemental (formerly Context) data, Campaign Trigger, Real-Time Data Feed, and Audience Recording.
Saving and Testing the Connection
Once this has been completed, you can either select Save Connection or Test Connection. Testing the connection will not overwrite or delete the information if it fails, so there is no risk of losing any settings by running a test.
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